Review of Inktober Tangles 2021

Review of Inktober Tangles 2021

I Enjoy Tangle Challenges

I really enjoy participating in various challenges around the Zentangle community, and Inkober is one of my favorites. I look forward to the prompts from Seven Forests Five Rivers, Stephanie Jennifer. She curates a nice list of tangles with old favorites and plenty of new tangles to grow my repertoire.

Following along with prompts throughout the month helps me maintain my drawing skills and facilitates my daily practice. I like to follow the prompts supplied in the handout ( because I don’t need to think about what tangle to draw next. That decision has been made for all who participate.

Stephanie supplies a hashtag to use when posting my daily Inktober tangle (#inktobertangles2021). Subscribing to this hashtag allows me to quickly see other artists work on my Instagram feed. It’s a win, win!

Inktober 2021 – Day 1-5

LunarFlux by Debbie New, Naaki by Nadine Roller, Dewd by Zentangle Inc, Whipdcreem by Doris Bisschop, and Ayame by Emiko Kaneko.

 LunaFlux and Naaki seemed to be a bit of a challenge for me. I kept forgetting to add the little pod at the top of the tangle, and I am not sure I figured out the pattern for Naaki.


Inktober 2021 – Day 6-10

BrrrSt by Kelly Barone, Morrisseau by Cherryl Moote, Zenith by Zentangle Inc, Xac by Susam Yeo, and Hirari by Midori Furuhashi.


This set of tangles was fun to draw and paint with watercolor pencils. I especially enjoyed Xac and Hirari, both of which were new to me.


Inktober 2021 – Day 11-15

Fengle by Zentangle Inc, Yumemi by Shie Naritomi, Spynes by Heidi Kay, C-knots by Valli Ganti, and Ing by Zentangle Inc.

 I hadn’t drawn Fengle in a while, but Yumemi was featured in my Watercolor Tangles class last Spring. Spynes was new to me and I thought it was fun to draw it in a large spiral.


Inktober 2021 – Day 16-20

Moonesque by Leslee Feiwus, Ecstatic by Jem Miller, Moonpie by Zentangle Inc, Oopsmi by Hanny Nura, and Oysteroid by Jody Genovese.

 Most of this weeks’ tangles were new to me. I like how Moonpie can be decorated and shaded in so many different combinations.

I found Oysteroid to be a little bit of a challenge trying to keep the lines neat. This is where I usually say to embrace any little tremors you have in your drawing. The work often looks even better with the slight waggle in the line.


Inktober 2021 – Day 21-25

OoF by Zentangle Inc, Paradisum by Oswaldo Burbano, Ple-A by Apple Lim, Zigoli by Deb Bowyer, Round Square by Karin Guzzetta.

 Paradisum and Ple-A were new to me and both garnered a great response on Instagram. However, there is something interesting about the shading of Zigoli. It comes out very dimensional with very little effort.

Inktober 2021 – Day 26-31

Dex by Zentangle, Trelina by Eni Oken, Effie by Annett Rumpler, TreeLeaf by Debbie New, Tabs by Tomas Padros, and eke by Zentangle Inc.

 Dex was a little bit of a chore to draw with all its tiny lines, but it was well worth it considering the final result. Trelina, from Eni Oken however, was fun to draw! Effie was a surprise. It was the first time I drew Effie but thought of it as a flower which helped.

Inktober 2021 Conclusion

Well, that’s a wrap on another successful month of daily drawing. I ended up posting the last photo on November 8th, so not bad at keeping up the pace despite my travel from BC to Reno, Grand Canyon, Denver, and Boston!!!

Take care and keep on Tangling!


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